Thursday, February 07, 2008

The power of Purple is spreading

When a new product hits the Big Apple market, it usually takes off. So, buckle your seatbelts for Purple.

The Purple Beverage Co. has signed an agreement with Big Geyse, Inc. for the distribution of its beverage, Purple, throughout New York City’s five boroughs, Westchester County, and Long Island’s Suffolk and Nassau counties. Big Geyser is one of the largest independent, non-alcoholic beverage distributors in New York state and is the largest such distributor in New York City.

Purple, which came on the market last year, is a fusion of seven antioxidant-rich juices from the acai berry, black cherry, pomegranate, black currant, purple plum, cranberry and blueberry.

Big Geyser already distributes Glacéau’s Vitaminwater and Smart Water, Muscle Milk, Perrier, Mistic Beverages, Crystal Light, Poland Springs and Tazo Tea, among others.

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