A new large-community based study says both diet and regular soft drinks are associated with substantially increased metabolic syndrome risk among middle-age adults.
In other words, says the study, even one glass of soda daily may indicate an increased risk of metabolic syndrome, as reported in Circulation, the Journal of the American Heart Association.
Men and women who drank more than one soda daily had a 48% adjusted higher prevalence and 44% higher roughly eight-year adjusted incidence of the cluster of heart disease risk factors than those who drank less, said the report.
Metabolic syndrome was defined having at least three of the following risk factors:
• Waist circumference at least 35 inches for women or at least 40 inches for men.
• Fasting blood glucose at least 100 mg/dL.
• Serum triglycerides at least 150 mg/dL.
• Blood pressure at least 135/85 mm Hg.
• High-density lipoprotein cholesterol lower than 40 mg/dL for men or 50 mg/dL for women.
The study was supported through National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute contracts and by an award from the American Diabetes Association to one of the researchers. The researchers reported no conflicts of interest.
As with all major studies, there are various angles to interpretations. The best report I've seen on the topic appears on the online report called MedPageToday.
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